I, like just about everyone, hate dealing with things I don’t understand.  I don’t like feeling uninformed, and at the mercy of a ‘professional.’  This is me dealing with car trouble:

Mechanic: You hear that?  That’s your flux capacity rattling, and they don’t come cheap. 

Me:  Is this enough money?

This is most business owners dealing with banks:

Banker:  See, your Global Debt Service Coverage is 1.35, and we have a minimum of 1.50 for your industry.  The good news is we approved you for ½ the amount you requested!

Biz owner: I guess I’ll take it

Right?  Banking is no different.  There’s a knowledge imbalance, where the bank deliberately keeps their practices and policies secret. That’s why people turn to fast and easy fixes.  At least it’s over with quickly, I got something, and I can move on.  (I’m looking at you, alternative lenders!) 

You need money for your business.  But the prospect of going it alone?  It’s a hassle.  It’s a headache.  It’s frustrating, and time consuming and, at the end of the day, you feel alone.  No one is on your side.  Well, let’s change that.

But think about how you handle tasks in the rest of your life.  Your kid’s school, your house, your landscaper!  You ask friends, read reviews, and do your homework.  You educate yourself and make an informed decision.  Why would funding your business be different?

That’s where we come in.  At CircumFi, we work for you!  Exclusively, unequivocally, and happily for you!  We don’t take commissions, or kickbacks, or referral fees.  We work with you to develop a custom lending plan, so you can take confident action. 

You own your business.  Own the lending process. Get advice.  Get the deal you deserve!

Ready to take action?  Schedule your planning session today.

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